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How to commission

1. Send a mail to with the subject: commission.

2. Include what commission style you want, e.g. "painting, headshot" and references of the subject you are requesting. 

3. I will reply to you confirming the commission and then send you an initial sketch &  invoice on paypal.

4. Once I have received the payment, I will do my best to finish the commission in a timely matter. Please note that this can take up to a couple of weeks (if I haven't finished the commission in a month's time, feel free to ask me about it).

5. Profit for both of us. â˜˜ 


  • Please understand that once I have started on a commission, I won't give refunds.

  • I won't draw hate promoting content, such as nazism, homophobia, etc. I also won't draw mecha and furry simply because I am not confident enough in my ability to do so.

  • I am generally open to any original or fandom content, nekomimis etc. In doubt,  just ask me. 

  • Any commissions received are for non-commercial work only. You're free to post/share them as long as credit is given, if you are the customer.  (Using them on your blog/sidebar is super fine of course!).

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